Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kate Upton Wiki

Kate Upton Biography:  Kate Upton (born June 10, 1992) is the American model and actress for her appearance in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, the first in 2011, when she as Rookie of the Year, and weerin 2012, when she was chosen as the cover model. early life Upton was in St. Joseph, Michigan born and bred in Melbourne, Florida.Her Uncle Fred Upton, Michigan Congress Sixth District Congressman. Upton, an equestrienne, American Paint Horse Association and National level.With the match won her horse Roanie pony ride in 13 trips to the West, on the 13th and rider and 14-18 of the West line of three APHA African Reserve World Championships, was named the champion of the 13 reserves and all around black APHA World Championship Show, she was a total of five titles. In addition, Upton the 20 young people in third overall, finishing in accordance with APHA. The second horse, the zipper, she got the 14-18 Western Riding Equestrian respectively 14-18 and 14-18 West playground in 2009


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